Thursday, April 15, 2010

Three for Thursday from the Last Year!

Well, here's blog attempt 3 for this year! Maybe a way to catch up a bit...on Thursdays I'll post 3 random pictures from the past year, with a little description~ Ok~ here it goes!

Pictured: Jessi & Jodi at the beach in San Clemente, California

One of my favorite pictures from last year and there are plenty! Dancing in the ocean at sunset! This does wonders for the soul~and the funny bone. This was this past December (2009) in San Clemente, California. Our girls, Jessi & Jodi, welcomed their brother, Matthew, home from Afghanistan and only a few months earlier said goodbye to their brother, Jake, as he was also deployed to Afghanistan with the USMC.


Pictured: Saddle Mountain and Astoria, Oregon. Taken from Fort Columbia in Washington State

What a beautiful area we live in! This is on the bluff at Fort Columbia on the Washington side of the Columbia River. There are so many areas right here in our own communities to discover and see! With the economy the way it has been stay-cations and staying close to home has gotten popular among locals...myself included! This is a lovely place for a picnic on a sunny day!


Pictured: L-R~ daughter~Jodi, me, Terri Clark, son~Jake, hubby~Jerry, daughter~Jessi

Terri Clark performs at the Liberty Theater! Another great concert in Eagle Country was enjoyed by a full Liberty Theater! With over a half a dozen albums under her sparkly belt, Terri has had a great deal of success in country music. Being a native of Canada, Terri has been certified platinum in both Canada and the United States and has produced several top ten hits. Terri was a lot of fun to chat with backstage and was a joy to watch onstage.

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