Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time Capsule Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone!
So...3 random pictures from last year.
Here they are:

1) I know...I can go on and on about how beautiful this area is! This is the foot bridge out at Ft Stevens...I can't count how many times we passed under this bridge last year going to explore the beach and/or many trails!

2) Bowling with Carrie about it here! :)

3) Harry Glickman came to the studio to chat about the Blazers Basketball Camp in our area and was a joy to talk with! A lifetime full of hear only a few of them was an honor. Glickman is considered the "father" of professional sports in Oregon. Here he is with myself and Antonio Harvey, former Trail Blazer, who was currently in his third season as radio analyst for the Portland Trail Blazers.

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