What a fun group!
RYAN and THE RUBBERBAND! They all came into the studio and joined me live on the
EAGLE COUNTRY CAFÉ. We had nothing really planned, so it was a really fun show! We talked a bit about the group and their songs, but it turned to
Growing up in Astoria, I get a kick out of the excitement people have for the whole Goonie thing! I guess I’ve taken it for granted a bit, having lived here and being here when the movie was filmed.
I had to share the story of when I was in high school, I ended up meeting the cast, Corey Feldman, Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen and others, with some friends of mine. So, the whole time they were here, we all hung out together.
Steve Antin, (he played the jerk ‘Troy’ in the movie ) rented a car, came to my house, met my parents, and even went to the 'new fancy McDonalds. :) We all just had a great time hanging out, so it’s always funny to me when people come to town, can’t wait to see the Goonie’s house and ask all about it.
Rodger Archibald of the Rubberband, started quoting lines from Goonie’s and his impersonations of the characters was
hysterical. So,
from music to the Goonies for an hour’s show was funny.
They found the
‘Bunny Suicide’ joke books in the studio and had a good time with that too, so the interview was just a unique experience that was very down to earth and fun.
Before the interview was over, we decided to have a contest at the concert that night. We decided to name it the
"RYAN SHUPE & THE RUBBERBAND, ROCK’EM, SOCK’EM, ROBOT TOUR, TRUFFLE SHUFFLE CONTEST” If you’ve seen the Goonie’s then you know about
‘Chunk’ and the
Truffle Shuffle. It’s when you lift your shirt, grab all of the excess belly you can and shake it up and down… very funny! That night we held the contest.
7 people got on stage and did the
‘truffle shuffle’ The crowd chose the winner, who got a signed CD from the Band.
Wow. It was something else!
We have such GREAT sports in EAGLE COUNTRY!!
The band was great and their music rocks. Jesse Cain opened for them and did a great job. Ryan and the Rubberband has a great album,
Dream Big, check it out, if you haven’t already. My favorites..
’Simplify’, ‘Banjo Boy’ and
‘Dream Big’.
I went to lunch with them earlier in the day and had a great lunch at
THE BAKED ALASKA . Ryan’s wife was there with Ryan’s little girl, who is a doll and looks
JUST like daddy.
After the show, we had more great food and service at the
SCHOONER’s Twelfth St. Bistro, right next to the
We Had another great show, with another great group of talented, fun people.
RYAN SHUPE & THE RUBBERBAND! I hope they come back, they were a blast!